混迷を極める世界情勢の中で、希望と絶望の狭間に存在する人間のこれからの行方を「色」を通じて考える企画で、新作品シリーズ「Colors in the Gray」を発表します。これは、ウクライナの国民的画家であるマリア・プリマチェンコの作品をオマージュした作品群です。マリア・プリマチェンコは1908年生まれで、ソ連支配下の時代を生き延び、反戦と平和を訴える作品を残しました。2022年2月にロシアの爆撃によっていくつかの作品が破壊されたことも報道されています。今回発表する作品は、彼女の作品にシンパシーを感じた有田が、マリア・プリマチェンコの作品から色彩をサンプリングし、折り鶴の型に着彩していくデジタルペイントシリーズです。広島に届けられた千羽鶴の焼却灰の画像を背景とし、色彩を通じて連帯を示すこの作品群は100枚に及びます。
また、デジタルデータはNFTとして販売し(https://opensea.io/collection/colors-in-the-gray)、暗号資産寄付プラットフォームEndaomentを通じ、ウクライナの主権保持のために活動する7つの非営利組織に寄付資産を分配するSupport Ukrainian Sovereigntyに全額寄付します。
いずれも会期終了後1か月以内に、ウェブサイト上で寄付報告を行う予定です(追記:有田大貴 ”Colors in the Gray”展の売上寄付報告)。
Arita Taiki’s solo exhibition will be held from April 16 (Sat) to May 1 (Sun), 2022, with one of the themes of his works sublimating his awareness of his hometown, “Hiroshima.”
Arita has been dealing with a thousand paper cranes and their ashes continuously. This exhibition will show the challenge of digital drawings based on the theme of “origami cranes.”
The new series of works, “Colors in the Gray,” is a project that will consider the future of human beings, which exists between hope and despair, through “color.” This series of works pay homage to Maria Primachenko(1908-1997), a national artist of Ukraine. She has survived the Soviet domination of the country and left behind a body of anti-war and peace works from the period of Soviet rule. Reportedly, Russian bombs destroyed some of her works in February 2022. Arita, who felt sympathy for her work, sampled colors from Maria Primachenko’s works and applied them to the molds of origami cranes in a series of digital paintings. The 100 pieces, set against a background of images of incinerated ash from the 1,000 paper cranes delivered to Hiroshima, show solidarity through color.
The works will be sold as prints and NFT (Non-Forwardable Tokens), with proceeds going to humanitarian aid in Ukraine.
The print work will cover the walls of the exhibition venue, TAMENTAI GALLERY Tsurumi-cho Lab. In addition, Arita will exhibit related paintings. Here will sell the reproductions for 500 yen per piece. All proceeds will be donated to UNHCR.
The digital data will be sold as NFT (to be launched in due course). All proceeds will be donated to Support Ukrainian Sovereignty. Donated assets will be distributed to seven non-profit organizations working to preserve Ukraine’s sovereignty through the crypto asset donation platform Endaoment.
We will post both donation reports on the website within one month of the end of the session (https://tamentai.co.jp/2022/05/28/donation-arita-taiki-colors-in-the-gray/).
Amid the chaotic world situation, we are tormented by a sense of powerlessness of art. Nevertheless, we are trying to express solidarity through expression and attempt to resist to the extent possible. We explore the possibilities of digital works’ reproducibility and immediacy. We hope that our project will allow your thoughts to go to Ukraine.
On April 16, 2022 (Sat), the first day of the exhibition, Misawa Corp No. 2, which TAMENTAI GALLERY Tsurumi-cho Lab. inhabits, will hold an open-day event. Seven of its 16 rooms in the “art building” are ateliers and galleries, including the Tsurumi branch of the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art. On this day, there will be events and projects in each room, and visitors will be able to see them. Please come and visit.