山下栞「美術をもう一度好きになるための予行演習」(タメンタイギャラリー鶴見町ラボ 3/17-3/31)

山下栞「美術をもう一度好きになるための予行演習」(タメンタイギャラリー鶴見町ラボ 3/17-3/31)

日本語 / English





会期は2022年3月17(木)から3月31日(木)まで。途中、2022年3月22日(火) 、3月 28日(月)はお休みとなります。



  • 会期:2022年3月17(木) – 31日(木)
  • 休廊:2022年3月22(火) 、3月 28日(月)
  • 時間:11:00-19:00
  • 作家:山下栞
  • 会場:タメンタイギャラリー 鶴見町ラボ
  • 住所:730-0045 広島市中区鶴見町9-6 第2三沢コーポ404(Google Map
  • 主催:タメンタイ合同会社
  • 30分に一度、10分間のパフォーマンスを行います。
    11:30〜11:40 / 12:00〜12:10 /12:30〜12:40 / 13:00〜13:10 /13:30〜13:40 /
    14:00〜14:10 /14:30〜14:40 / 15:00〜15:10 /15:30〜15:40 / 16:00〜16:10 /
    16:30〜16:40 / 17:00〜17:10 /17:30〜17:40 / 18:00〜18:10 /18:30〜18:40
  • ※3/23(水)は14:00までの回は実施しません。
  • ※3/25(金)は13:30の回から開始となります。通常通り11:00にオープンしますが、準備ができるまでは記録映像(ver.0.1)を放映します。なお、予定は急遽変更になる場合があります。(3/24 23:24更新)
  • ※パフォーマンス最終回となる3/31(木)18:30-18:40の回は、インスタライブ(https://www.instagram.com/tamentai_gallery/)にて配信します。
  • 写真・動画撮影は可能です。
  • SNS等への使用は、写真のみ可能です。ただし、商用利用については別途ご相談ください。
  • 動画の公開はご遠慮ください。
  • スペース内では定期的な換気・消毒を行います。
  • 体調不良時、発熱時のご来場はお控えください。
  • ご来場時はマスクを適切に着用するなど、感染拡大予防にご協力をお願いいたします。

Azure Hiroshima Baseアート展示第4期(2022/1/13 – 3/31)でも山下栞の作品《美術のための習作》をご覧いただけます。

Azure Hiroshima Base第4期アート展示の企画支援。韓婧、程釬、藤田えりか、山下栞の4名の作品を展示(2022年3月31日まで)


山下栞 SNS



Yamashita Shiori
“Practice sessions to look for my love of bi-jutsu once again”

Yamashita Shiori creates artworks based on issues in art education in Japan. The exhibition “Preparatory Exercise to Fall in Love with Art Again” will be held at Tsurumicho Lab. in March 2022.

Yamashita, born in Osaka in 1997, has loved drawing since she was a child and chose to study art in high school. She failed to pass an entrance examination directly on graduation from high school once, but she got into the university’s art department the following year. However, a frustrating experience in her second year of undergraduate school led to a growing sense of discomfort with art. Since then, she has been presenting works on the challenges of art education and sublimating her awareness of it.

This exhibition will present new works focusing on the physical exercise she has undergone in art education and its teaching methods.

This project will share the artist’s trial-and-error process of trying to recapture the relationship with art that she once loved. It may also allow viewers to reencounter perhaps what they may have once loved.

The exhibition will run from Thursday, March 17, to March 31, 2022. The show will be closed on Tuesday, March 22, and Monday, March 28, 2022.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Practice sessions to look for my love of bi-jutsu once again

  • Dates: Thursday, March 17 – Thursday, March 31, 2022
  • Closed: Tuesday, March 22 and Monday, March 28, 2022
  • Hours: 11:00-19:00
  • Artist: Shiori Yamashita
  • Venue: Tamamentai Gallery, Tsurumicho Lab.
  • Address: 404, No.2 Misawa Corp. 9-6 Tsurumi-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima 730-0045
  • Organized by: Tamamentai G.K.

Performance “Performing exercise to look for my love of bi-jutsu once again”

  • Every 30 minutes, she will give a 10-minute performance.
    11:30-11:40 / 12:00-12:10 / 12:30-12:40 / 13:00-13:10 / 13:30-13:40 /
    14:00-14:10 /14:30-14:40 / 15:00-15:10 /15:30-15:40 / 16:00-16:10 /
    16:30-16:40 / 17:00-17:10 /17:30-17:40 / 18:00-18:10 /18:30-18:40
  • *The session before 14:00 will not be held on 3/23 (Wed.).
  • *On 3/25 (Fri.), the program will start from the 13:30 session. The doors will open at 11:00, but we will show the recorded video (ver. 0.1) until ready. Please note that the schedule is subject to change at short notice. (Updated 3/24 23:24)
  • *The final performance session on Thursday, 3/31, from 18:30-18:40 will be available on Instalive (https://www.instagram.com/tamentai_gallery/).

Photos and videos

  • Photography and video recording are allowed.
  • You may use photos on social networking sites. However, please consult us separately for commercial use.
  • Please refrain from publishing videos.

Measures to be taken against COVID-19 infection

  • We will provide regular ventilation and disinfection in the space.
  • Please refrain from coming to the exhibition if you feel ill or have a fever.
  • We ask for your cooperation in preventing the spread of infection by wearing appropriate masks when visiting the show.

Related Exhibitions

  • Shiori Yamashita’s work “Study for Art” will also be on view at the Azure Hiroshima Base Art Exhibition Phase 4 (1/13/2022 – 3/31/2022).

More information on the artist