現在は広島を拠点に各地で作品を発表している。近年は、COVID-19 パンデミックをテーマに撮影したセルフポートレイト作品 “Mask Girl”シリーズをはじめ、リティ・パン監督による映画 “Irradiated” (2020年べ ルリン国際映画祭最優秀ドキュメンタリー賞受賞)におけるゴースト役での出演や、映画祭でのパフォーマンス披露など、活動は多岐にわたる。
Bion Alien is a performance-based artist, currently based in Hiroshima, who shows his work in various locations. In recent years, he has been involved in a series of self-portrait works, “Mask Girl,” shot on the theme of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as appearing as a ghost in the film “Irradiated” (winner of the Best Documentary Award at the 2020 Berlin International Film Festival) directed by Rithy Pan. His activities are diverse, including performances at festivals.